
About Mario Agustin M. Locsin
by Robert Rambusch

Mario Agustin Montenegro Locsin was born in Manila, Philippines in 1952. His early architectural influence was his cousin Leandro Locsin, one of the most prolific contemporary architects in Filipino history. At a young age he moved to Madrid, Spain and enrolled in the Escuela de Bellas Artes. He later came to New York and enrolled and graduated with honors from Parsons School of Design. Upon graduation he was employed by the historic Rambusch Decorating Company where he supervised the liturgical design department and arranged exhibitions at the National Arts Club and Parsons School of Design. He was later made vice president of the design department at Rambusch Decorating Company.

In 1985 he resigned as vice president of RDC and founded his own competing firm, Mario Locsin Design Inc. in Manhattan. He won architectural competitions for liturgical design and was known for interpreting Vatican II guidelines for worship environments and furnishings in a contemporary and pure style with an acute sense of color and materials.

He moved his firm from New York to San Diego and won several important commissions and prizes (Christ the King Parish renovation, House of Prayer in Orange Diocese for Diocesan Clergy) At that time, Mario Locsin teamed up with the independent Robert E. Rambusch Associates and prepared drawings for cathedral renovations in New York, Michigan, Florida, California and Oregon. Later he established his firm in Miami, Florida before relocating to his native country, the Philippines, to support family issues and work with local architects to design model housing for working families.

An early and loyal member of NAAL, Mario contributed a slide lecture for the Environment and Arts Seminar. Mario died the 15th of December, 2010 in  Manila.

On a sidenote,  his sister Diding Locsin adds that while at Parsons, Mario Locsin was awarded a Reagan Scholarship.  Many applied for this scholarship by submitting works of art and it was Mario's work,  a "Gossip" Chair that was selected.